![“[n]o more is it a question of speaking of space and light; the question is to make space and light, which are there, speak to us.” -Maurice Merleau-Ponty](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52ebc4efe4b0d66c3ec44d30/1392075879524-KE2QA7KJ5KXS72Q9G4XS/_MG_5653.jpg)

“[n]o more is it a question of speaking of space and light; the question is to make space and light, which are there, speak to us.”
-Maurice Merleau-Ponty
“[n]o more is it a question of speaking of space and light; the question is to make space and light, which are there, speak to us.”
-Maurice Merleau-Ponty